Vitor Pereira

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Don't spend all your budget on an Nokia E71 just yet

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A Nokia advertisement video was posted on YouTube showing two new devices. Their apparently working on two new Eseries devices, the E72 which is probably an upgrade to the E71 and the E75 which marks Nokia's foray into the side sliding form factor market. The video has already been pulled from YouTube and several other sites following a request from the manufacturer but you can still read about it and look at some still images taken from the video here.


Update: antivirus found

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Antivirus was found and I guess all blogs are now working properly again, fortunately the missing comments were not lost, they had been quarantined but could be easily retrieved intact.


Blog engine virus hitting community blogs

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There seems to be some kind of virus going around that is affecting blogs and other sites lately, several problems have been reported such as redirections and now comments are also been 'lost'. Doesn't seem like a case of deleting an improper comment, I had the chance to read one of those but after hitting refresh it was gone. Be careful where you point your browser. You might end up trying to answer a comment only to find out it is no longer there.


How to read properly

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If you ever follow links to from certain blogs in the lotus community you might have to block your browser from sending referrers or better yet, if you're using Firefox there are add-ons that allow you to do this selectively. Here are a few.
There seems to be a misconfiguration in the site engine which will redirect your browser to the homepage.
I'm sure this will be fixed in time.